Thursday, November 25, 2004

Phone Testing, Part Deux

Yes, one more month and one more round of phone testing. Yay!

Answers this time around weren't as great, but as usual, Ally was a gem. :-) If she doesn't listen in class, steals from other kids, is cheeky, or anything else, I love her for her phone testing conversations. Here's this month's installment:

Ben: Hi, Ally! It's Ben Teacher.

Ally: Hi, Ben Teacher.

Ben: How are you today, Ally?

Ally: I am fine thank you. (** This is a pre-programmed response that all students employ - they could be bleeding heavily from their chest and they would respond "I am fine thank you".)

Ben: Good! Are you ready for phone testing?

Ally: Yes.

Ben: Alright! Great! Question one: What letter does the word "Tiger" start with?

Ally: T!

Ben: Good job Ally! Ok, do you remember the story "I like"? What do you like?

Ally: ................(silence)

Ben: Ally? Hello, Ally?

Ally: ................(silence)

Ben: Alright, Ally - remember: "I like oranges...." "I like grapes...." What do YOU like?

Ally: Oranges!

Ben: Ok, good!

Ally: Ben Teacher, I'm watching TV!

Ben: That's nice, Ally! Ok, do you remember the story "Hello"? What are some animals from "Hello"?

Ally: Oranges!

Ben: No, oranges aren't animals, Ally... Remember "Hello Lion"... "Hello Zebra"...

Ally: ..............(silence)

Ben: "Hello Hippo".... "Hello__________"...

Ally: ................(silence)

Ben: Ally? Remember "Hello Tiger".... "Hello ...."

Ally: ...................(silence)

Ben: (At this point, I realize I'm talking to myself - which to me, is rather amusing, because I'm reciting kindergarten books to myself)

Ally: *click*

Ben: Hello? Hello?

Ally has hung up the phone. I think I lost her to the TV... so I call back.

Ben: Hello, Ally?

Ally: *giggle*

Ben: Ok, Ally. Let's move on. Next question: Is Ben teacher funny?

Ally: Yeeessss.

Ben: Ok, good! Do you like to play in the gym?

Ally: Yessssss.

Ben: Who do you like to play with?

Ally: Yesssssss.

Ben: Who? Who do you like to play with?

Ally: Michelle.

Ben: Good. Ok, one last question, Ally! What is one S-word?

Ally: Goodbye Ben teacher!

Ben: Wait, no, Ally......*click*

I think Ally's catching on that she doesn't REALLY need to try. :-) I have another student named John who speaks fairly fluently in class and understands well, but when I talk to him on the phone, all he ever says is "huh?" Literally, I slow down to a crawl, enunciate, use simple words, and truncate my sentences to simple noun-verb pairs, and all he still says is "huh?". I think he's catching on too. I think it's a game for him. :-)

The only other interesting question responses came from the question "If you met an alien, what would you do?" Here's what they responded:

Jeff:"I'd kill him!"

Jessie:"I'd kill him and take his pet!"

Billy:"I'd talk to him"
Ben: "What would you say to him?"
Billy: "onweiunceikrjnfiuwhty!"

Well, that's about it for this round of phone testing... I can't wait for next month. I think I'm going to start tailoring my testing questions to maximize the humourous responses. I used to dread phone testing - now I love it.

1 comment:

Louise said...

Sounds like fun...
I wish my kids were that humourous!!!