Thursday, November 25, 2004

The Coffee Fairies have Smiled Upon Me

Well, it seems like I had a decent weekend, from my vantage point...

On Friday, I was planning on having a quiet evening by myself at home, but got dragged out to the bar. Similarily, on Saturday, I was planning on having a quiet day at home, but got dragged out to the bar. Nonetheless, I was glad to get dragged, masochist that I am... Sunday was the much-anticipated hash that Jammies, Duck, and I had scouted the weekend before. It was a great hash, but I also felt like a tool because I was late waking up (my alarm didn't go off), and consequently, Terri and Chantal bailed because I was 15 minutes late. Sounds like they had a pretty eventful Saturday evening and were pretty tired. The hash started really late, but got underway with bells on, and the hike was great. The weather was a tad chilly, but HEY, it's November... Afterwards, we had the down-downs at Jammies' place and finished up with a fabulous BBQ - I think I ate more meat that night than I have so far over 5 months in Korea. It was delicious. :-) Good on ya, Jammies!

Since then, I've been taking it easy at home. I am enjoying my time alone... well, alone with my PS2 that I bought a while back in Yongsan... I know, I know - I'm in Korea and not taking advantage of my time abroad - well, I have 12 months here... I can take a week or two to veg. So sue me! :-)

Speaking of spending time alone, I've been hanging out at a local coffee shop in Migeum that totally rules. I haven't been able to find many decent coffee places that serve strong, black, brewed coffee. The place that I found is called "Cafe the Leafy". It serves mostly espresso-based drinks, but upon special request, they will make up a small pot of drip coffee. Coffee in Korea is... well... not that good (except for this place I found). Generally, they adhere to instant coffees and coffee in... (wait for it)... YES, CANS. I never thought that I would drink coffee from a can, and was opposed to it (and wouldn't have drunk it if it were my choice), but someone bought me a can so I had to drink it. It tasted somewhat like hot chocolate what with all the sugar and cream included automatically. Non-instant black coffee is super rare. But having said all of that, Cafe the Leafy is a great place, where they really know how to make it right and take lots of care to prepare it properly. The other day, they served me a mochacino that had a picture of a cat dusted into the foam with cocoa... talk about presentation! The owner is really nice and I'm recognized as a regular now - there is even a special that if you buy a coffee, you get a slice of cake added for free. Mmmmmm.

My private lesson didn't show up again - for about the 3rd time. It's nice to have the time off, but spending the subway fare to get there and find out they're not around isn't fun, and neither is foregoing the cash. It makes me worried that meeting with them again tonight isn't going to turn out...

Strange things have been happening over the past few months - uncanny unconscious predictions of future events - I will be thinking about a particular person and they will call minutes later. I would normally just pass this off as coincidence (and heck, it probably is), but it's really strange. I have even dreamt about my parents and then woken up minutes before they call. I dunno what to think of all this... ;-)

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