Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Fall time

Fall is finally making its presence known here. The days are getting much shorter and colder - it's rather annoying going to school in the morning with daylight but finishing at a time where you come out of school and it's dark. There were a few days there where it was beautiful and we were treated to some spectacular sunsets, but now it's just plain dark when we leave school. It's a real drag. Speaking of beautiful sunsets and the like, I will be getting some pics of that up to my blog soon enough...

The days are also getting rather cold (well, comparatively.... says the hardy Canadian). I hear that it gets as cold as -15 here in the winter.... (oooooooh, hear me tremble... says the hardy Canadian). I've resorted to wearing a bunnyhug, since at night the weather gets cold enough to see your breath (sadly, it's not Hawaiian shirt weather anymore... says the crazy Canadian).

I headed to the gym again on Monday after having been away from it for about 2 weeks. It was good to get back into it. I plan on going again today... if I can stay motivated. I also have plans of getting out to go hiking in the mountains again sometime this week - what a busy schedule! :-) I wanted to go out hiking before on the fall equinox, but I was pretty pressed for time, and the trees weren't changing colours yet... they still aren't, but unless I head out soon, it'll be freezing when I go on my hike.

Anyway, someone from another Korean website was checking my blog out and I found a webring that he belongs to that lists blogs of other Korean blogs - SO, if your palatte for Korea isn't satiated by my blog, go check out the other blogs at . I have added my own website to that listing, so I should be getting a tad more traffic to my site soon enough. :-)

See you soon!

1 comment:

Mel said...

You are lucky you don't have to go through the Sask. winter this year...
Sometimes I wish I didn't have to be here in