Monday, April 04, 2005

The ruining has begun

I've been hanging around and not doing a whole heck of a lot.

I'm at school right now - between classes. I have 12 minutes to get this post off the ground. Hurry Ben Hurry!

Jo taught me a traditional Korean card game called "Go-Stop". It's really fun once you get the hang of the rules - it is complicated at first. I haven't checked yet, but I'm sure that there are some game sites online where you can read up on Go-Stop if you're interested. I don't have the time to search for a link right now... but it's worth it to look it up. I'll teach everyone when I get back, because Jo gave me a deck of my very own. :-) Yay!

My plans for the next while include going to the cherry blossom festival, seeing the sun rise on the east coast, hanging out in some jimjilbangs (steam rooms), and generally getting more active. Why? I've become really lazy and well... plumper than usual. I need to start jogging again - or going out to hashes again. Either way, I want to lose a little weight before I head back to Canada.

Regarding the title of this post: My life has begun to be ruined by the newest videogame that I now have on my computer. It's called Final Fantasy XI: Online. It's rather well-known amongst gamers, but for those of you who aren't geeks, it's an internet game that you log into and play a fantasy character with millions of other characters, controlled by players around the world. It's really fun. It took me a while to get the game and get it configured properly on my computer, but it's working now. I fully expect my life to be ruined from it, but I'm trying my best to maintain a regular life as best as possible. I hear there are some people back in Saskatoon that are addicted as well - for those of you out there, let me know what server you're on. I could use some newbie help!

My thoughts recently have been straying to Canada and visiting. I'm looking forward to seeing people and spending time with them. When I do come back for a while, remind me not to talk about Korea *ALL* the time. I've heard it's a symptom of foreigners returning to their homes.

Well, I should get going. The little monsters beckon! :-)

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